NPQ Conferences
Following our inaugural NPQ conference on 30 March 2022 we have hosted subsequent conferences for NPQSL and NPQLT/LTD (cohort 1b).
As with the first conference the aim was to provide an opportunity to discuss, refine and practice the learning programme members have gained from the NPQ so far, as well as access to the expertise and real world experience of current serving senior leaders.
Both conferences were well attended and delegates found the content very engaging and informative.
Conference two for NPQSL and NPQLT/LTD (cohort 1a) will take place in September 2022.
We are currently recruiting for new cohorts in October 2022 and are offering NPQs in Leading Teaching, Leading Teacher Development, Leading Behaviour and Culture, Senior Leadership, Headship and Leading Literacy.
Please visit our website for further details: